The Boomi-based IoT healthcare ecosystem
Connect, share and care. These are the pillars of the innovative digitalAngel healthcare ecosystem. As an independent guide and director, digitalAngel connects the questions, needs and initiatives of clients, carers, healthcare managers, scientists, manufacturers, insurers and consumers. The goal: a firmer grip on pleasant living and affordable care.
The Story
digitalAngel connects all questions, needs and initiatives of clients, carers, care managers, scientists, producers, insurers and consumers.
digitalAngel inspires, innovates and allows professionals to work more efficiently. It provides valuable insights and information for affordable and accessible care and welfare and the development of new product concepts.
digitalAngel watches over our well-being and the quality of care. By taking tasks out of the hands of home care and informal carers, more attention can be paid to the client.
The case
digitalAngel wanted to create a platform in the form of a secure, standardized and scalable IoT environment. This platform connects sensors from different manufacturers with a user-friendly app. Using big data, business intelligence and smart business rules, digitalAngel contributes to improving the quality of healthcare and reducing overall costs.
Starting points
- A secure, scalable and open platform
- A standardized IoT environment
- For every sensor and every location
- User-friendly apps
To design and build the innovative IoT care platform, Nalta’s professionals used Dell Boom Technology. Boomi makes it possible to standardize connections between the sensors, applications and data sources, ensuring actionable alerts and valuable insights. Moreover, with Boom, scalability and platform interoperability are guaranteed for all current and future partners and users.
- Realization of the platform within nine months
- End-to-end solution: design, build, operate
- Cloud services
- Internet of Things
- Azure software development
- Mobile application development
- Salesforce integration
- Boomi integration Platform as a Service (iPaas)
- Fully cloud-based